Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Do you have a Mission Statment?

    How do you see the best possible you?! What does she/he do, believe, think, feel and live for? When will you positively impact the world you live in? I was once asked if I ever thought about writing a mission statement for myself, while discussing short and long term goal setting. The person that inquired also stated that it would encourage me to complete the six year goal plan I had prepared and currently working to accomplish. Of course my answer was no, I'm a bit of a late "bloomer" in some areas you'll come to find out, so for me I view mission statements being something a company or an organization would use. The questions presented in the beginning of this paragraph are the questions that I found useful while creating my own mission statement.
    It took me some time to think about who I am, due to shedding the weight of what others thought I should be then finally embracing all of me just four short years ago. I was able to pull together so much of what I didn't like about me, denied about me, loved about me and accepted about me to begin shaping a better me. Viewing who I am, was and wanted to be from every aspect assisted in keeping me honest in writing a mission statement that would continuously motivate me to achieve my goals. It was challenging, yet enlightening and worth every moment spent creating. My life's mission statement:
"Embrace the Best me GOD has designed through living a purposeful life and sharing knowledge I’ve learned and experienced. I will show compassion to all and aspire to inspire those I encounter putting forth my greatest effort to lead by example; not forsaking myself but empowering others to seek the positive path designed and intended for them."

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