I’m sitting here typing out my talking points for the
support group I facilitate. I remember when I first started, I was sure to really
just observe initially taking the time to listen actively to the stories being
shared the non-verbal expressed and the words not said. Due to my desire to
help those who are hurting my first instinct was to encourage but I needed to
be a student before I could help as a “teacher”. I began to create topical handouts that were
created from the stories shared my hope has always been to empower them to trust
again, love again, try again and believe in themselves to go Live!
I often share with my
Guy my thoughts and ideas and he gives great feedback and impeccable insight so
in reference to this particular handout he stated “…..it encompasses ways on
self-empowerment”, my heart smiled because that’s exactly what I want it to do.
Empowering yourself goes further than we realize it’s unfortunate we don’t get
to see just how much we miss out on when turning a blind eye to the many
positive aspects that surround us due to being consumed by the negatives or
traumatic experiences. I remember the days, weeks, months, years I sat and
nursed all my woes (problems, attitudes, missed opportunities) along with those
who would join me and help feed the negativity or bring their own woes. I fed
guilt, regret, anger, sadness and a broken heart like they were my children.
There is this one quote that states “give yourself the
permission to say NO to anything that makes you unhappy and drains your energy!”
It’s not difficult for me to say no to others however during that time I found
it somehow difficult to say NO to myself and allowed myself to get mad and stay
mad, choose to hold grudges or be angry to the point of ruining multiple days.
I embraced sadness and lived in regret allowing those feelings to consume my
thoughts, my actions and/or behavior. It took time, truthful self-evaluating
and change to get me to a point to alter the way I think and allow into my
heart & mind.
My handout for tonight’s session is simply titled “Saying
NO!” I wanted to share because it’s like my Guy said self-empowering! Now
typically I go through a “spill” prior to giving the handouts, then we discuss
by personalizing the topic which creates an atmosphere of openness and
supporting each other. So a few discussion points on encouraging you to saying
NO to you or any life circumstances that may try stopping you from reaching
your place of living Free and Happy!
¨ Negative Thoughts: If there is one thing I’ve learned studying God’s word,
psychology and multiple counseling theories it’s that your mind is your sacred
space and to lose it would be detrimental. What do you typically think
about? Do you focus on how far you’ve come, or how far you have to
go? Do you place emphasis on your strengths or your weaknesses? Do
you contemplate the best that could happen or the worst that might come to be?
You can close the windows to your mind and darken your space, or you can open the
windows and let light in it’s always your choice. Pay attention to your
self-talk because a lot of what you say to yourself determines how you feel and
conduct yourself. Say NO to negative thinking.
Don’t settle for less than your worth! Being
able to start or create something better in your life you have to be motivated!
Moving yourself from a place of being stagnant will involve you placing
distance between yourself and non-progressive relationships/situations to see
things clearly. Sometimes growing up means growing apart from old habits or friends and finding new things/hobbies that truly inspire the maturing you! Look within
and explore what gets you so excited you can’t wait to go get it, that’s what
life is all about. Say NO to settling.
Negative Influence If you don’t value
yourself, look out for yourself and stick up for yourself, you become
vulnerable to the manipulation, mistreatment and misuse by others. You do
not have control over what others say and do; but you do have control over
whether or not you will allow them to say and do these things to you by staying.
You alone can deny their poisonous words and actions from invading your heart
and mind. Remember, to protect and respect your sacred inner space, say NO to
outside negativity.
Relationships: This isn’t just for
romantic involvement it’s any relationship you have that may be toxic! Choose
your relationships wisely being alone will never cause as much loneliness or
heartache as the negative relationships. Iron sharpens iron, be among those who
will help to make you better, correct you when you are wrong and encourage you
during weak moments. Leaving the wrong relationship has nothing to do with
weakness, and everything to do with strength!
Say NO to unhealthy
¨ Holding on to mistakes and regret: If you're thinking at all about uncluttering your life and
cleaning up your space, start with the things that are truly useless, like old
regrets, shame, and unforgiveness. Let me quote Erykah Badu “Bag lady you gone hurt your back….dragging all them bags like that…I guess
nobody ever told you…All you must hold onto, is YOU, so pack light!” You can’t start
the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading your previous one. Take the
necessary steps to find ways to live through what’s happen because you owe it
to yourself to be free of any shame or regret. Say NO to regret!
yes when you need to say no, you cripple the most important relationship in
your life: the relationship between you and you.” ~Nea Joy
BE Strong and Live Free